Police Responding to Active Shooter Inside Colorado Grocery Store [Photo + Video]

BY: Walker

Published 4 years ago

Police in Boulder, Colorado are responding to an active shooter call at a local grocery store on Monday (March 22). According to multiple reports, Colorado police warned residents to stay away from King Soopers grocery store as they investigate. A witness told CBS Denver that he heard loud bangs while he was inside the store. At first, he thought something fell, but by the third bang, he saw people running.

via: Complex

Police were responding to a report that an individual was shot in the parking lot of the grocery store, according to ABC News and an NBC affiliate. When they arrived, the police were reportedly shot at.


Helicopter feed provided by CBS 4 Denver showed multiple ambulances and SWAT vehicles arriving at the scene around 3 p.m. MDT with several first responders on the scene blocking off roads. Roughly 30 minutes later, a man was seen escorted out of the store in handcuffs with wounds on his body. Others were escorted outside without handcuffs after, along with some employees, who said they were able to exit through the back of the building safely.

Officers were still surrounding the store in their respective positions with weapons drawn after the handcuffed man was escorted out of the building. It is unclear if the man was involved.

Video from outside of the scene showed officers announcing over a loudspeaker: “The entire building is surrounded, you need to surrender. Come out, put your hands up, unarmed.”


Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families at this time.

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