Oh No! Man Proposes in Times Square, Drops Ring in Grate [Video] | www.lovebscott.com

Oh No! Man Proposes in Times Square, Drops Ring in Grate [Video]

Proposing in Times Square can be super romantic — just make sure you aren’t handling the ring over a sewer grate.

One man learned the hard way before ultimately getting his happy ending.

via Complex:

The NYPD shared the video of the poor dude, living the best and worst moments of his life one after the other, and asked for information to help find the couple. The police followed up with a photo of the ring, which had been recovered and cleaned. After releasing the video, they shared close-ups of the couple grabbed from the footage and eventually were able to connect to the tourists who decided to cap their trip off with an engagement. 

According to the NYPD’s tweets, the couples names are John and Daniella. Daniella created a Twitter account just to thank everyone for helping her get the ring back. 

“We would like to thank everyone who shared this story! The (now) happy couple is back in their home country, but thanks to your retweets they heard we were looking for them!” police shared on Twitter. “We’re making arrangements to get them their ring back. Congratulations!” 

They also shared a photo of the couple, looking considerably happier than they did while they were peering into a Midtown grate. 

We love happy endings.

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