Oh No! Girl Pees Herself During a Live Television Interview [Video] | lovebscott.com

Oh No! Girl Pees Herself During a Live Television Interview [Video]

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Have you ever been in a position where you either finish telling a news reporter on live television about a shooting you witnessed or go to the bathroom to avoid peeing on yourself?

We haven’t, but a young girl in Greenville, Mississippi, has, and she chose to keep talking to the reporter and ended up peeing on herself.

We seriously cannot stop laughing!

In the clip, you see her clenching her legs for dear life as she tries to explain what happened. She quickly tells the reporter that she has to go to the bathroom and that she’s going to pee on herself, but the reporter keeps asking questions.

Within seconds, the floodgates open, and she indeed pees on herself. After seeing the massive wet spot on front of the girl’s pants, the reporter stops talking.

Watch the embarrassing moment unfold below. Poor girl.

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