Nicki Minaj Says She’s ‘Really Happy’ with Her Relationship Status + Performs ‘Bed of Lies’ on ‘Ellen'[Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Nicki Minaj’s The Pinkprint is officially in stores.

To do a little promo for the set, Nicki Minaj visited The Ellen DeGeneres Show. While there, she performed her newest single “Bed of Lies” with Skylar Grey.

She also talked about her daily workouts and her recent guest appearance on Saturday Night Live.


There’s been a lot of chatter surrounding her relationship with ex-boyfriend Safaree Samuels, but when asked about her relationship status Nicki simply said:

“I’m really, really happy, and I think that’s what it’s all about.”

She also revealed she’s planning on having a family.

“I will have a family, even if I don’t have $500 million,” she said. “I want a cute little fat baby.”


It wouldn’t be an Ellen interview without a little fun. Before they said goodbye, Ellen gave Nicki a bit of a scare with a man dressed up as a dancer from Nicki’s ‘Anaconda’ video.

Watch it all go down below.

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