Nick Cannon Throws a Little Shade at Mariah Carey’s Beach Romp with Bryan Tanaka: ‘This Is How You Do It’ [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago


Mariah Carey was spotted on the beach having a little fun with her backup dancer, Bryan Tanaka.

They laughed, they splashed, they kissed — Bryan even carried Mariah around at one point.

#MariahCarey #SpottedOut with her #BackgroundDancer #jamespacker

A photo posted by Brandon Carter (@brandoncarter211) on


Mariah’s ex-husband, Nick Cannon, took to Instagram to show Bryan how it’s done with a throwback photo of him and his then-wife.

#TBT This is how you do it! LOL #IkeTurnUp #WePetty

A photo posted by LORD NCREDIBLE ALMIGHTY ????IkeT???? (@nickcannon) on

As expected, Nick’s post got a rise out of some people and he took to Instagram again to clarify that it’s all in good fun.



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