Coupled Up: Sam Smith and Boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel Cozy Up for Instagram [Photos] |

Coupled Up: Sam Smith and Boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel Cozy Up for Instagram [Photos]


Sam Smith and his new boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel are now Instagram official.

Sam posted several photos from their holiday vacation in Sydney, Australia.

Who knew that Jonathan was so…fine?

In a cute snap, the couple recreated the Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet’s iconic scene from Titanic.

rs_560x440-150105094532-1024.sam-smith-Jonathan-Zeizel-010515 Sam captioned the photo:

“I’m flying Jack, I’m flying.”

The two met while filming the video for “Like I Can,” Sam told The Sun. Jonathan was one of the extras.


How cute are they?

Sidebar: Can you believe Sam Smith is only 22-years-old?


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