Mo’Nique Calls for a Netflix Boycott After They Offer Her Less Money Than Amy Schumer and Dave Chappelle for a Comedy Special [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Mo’Nique is accusing Netflix of gender bias and color bias after the streaming giant allegedly offered her way less money for a comedy special than what they paid Amy Schumer and Dave Chappelle.

According to Mo’Nique, she was offered a $500,000 deal to do a comedy special. Amy Schumer was offered $11 million, but was able to negotiate two more million based on what ‘the men’ (Dave Chappelle and  Chris Rock) were getting.

Dave and Chris got $20 million.


Mo’Nique then says she brought up the pay disparity with Netflix, reminding the company of her resume — including an Oscar win and a long history of stand-up comedy — but Netflix said they didn’t look at resumés. Then, she says, Netflix justified paying Amy the big bucks because she just sold out Madison Square Garden and had a hit comedy over the summer. That certainly sounds like Amy’s resumé to us.

Anyway, Mo’Nique wants everyone to boycott Netflix. Watch her call to action below.


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