A Little Too Late, Drink Champs Removes the Ye Interview from YouTube & Revolt TV [Photos + Video]

BY: Walker

Published 2 years ago

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As we all know by now. On Drink Champs, Ye discussed “Jewish Zionists” and George Floyd death theories, prompting Floyd’s family to consider filing a lawsuit.

After the interview aired, the wrath came down on N.O.R.E. and Revolt for giving Kanye a platform. Since the pushback, N.O.R.E. has apologized.


During a call-in appearance on Monday’s Breakfast Club, N.O.R.E. apologized to Floyd’s family and said that Drink Champs will employ editing in the future. As well as possibly removing the episode from all platforms.

As of right now, the episode has been removed from YouTube, Revolt TV and Podcast platforms.


But the damage is done.

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