Lady Gaga Being Sued By Former Assistant, Calls Her A ‘F-cking Hoodrat’


Published 12 years ago


PSA: Don’t piss Lady Gaga off.

According to The New York Post, Gaga is furious because she’s being sued for $400,000 by an ex personal assistant.

The former assistant, Jennifer O’neill, 26, is suing for unpaid overtime wages.


Once Gaga heard the news she reportedly called the woman a “f-cuking hood rat.”

Here’s a bit more about the situation:

O’Neill filed the lawsuit against her employer of 13 months back in Decemeber 2011,alleging that for $75,000-a-year she had to cater to Gaga’s every whim at any hour of the day or night. According to court papers, O’Neill was responsible for “ensuring the promptness of a towel following a shower and serving as a personal alarm clock to keep [Gaga] on schedule,” and had to be at her beck and call at all hours of the day and night. As such, O’Neill says Gaga owes her for 7,168 hours of overtime, and Gaga is none too pleased to be dealing with this lawsuit.

Gaga’s rebuttal was a little perplexing. She goes:

She slept in Egyptian cotton sheets every night, in five-star hotels, on private planes, eating caviar, partying with Terry Richardson all night, wearing my clothes, asking YSL to send her free shoes without my permission, using my YSL discount without my permission.

So essentially, Gaga is saying that O’Neill doesn’t deserve to be paid because she benefitted from being around her. Seems a little messed up. I mean, if someone works for you, you should pay them. That’s how it works.


I’m just ready for ARTPOP.

Via Huffington Post

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