Kim Kardashian Shows Support for Britney Spears, Reflects on Tabloids ‘Bullying’ Her During Pregnancy

BY: Denver Sean

Published 4 years ago

Kim Kardashian “finally watched” the much-talked about Framing Britney Spears documentary.

After watching the doc, Kim took to Instagram to reflect on her own experiences with the judgmental media and how it affected her mental health.

via Complex:


“So I finally watched the Britney Spears documentary this week and it made me feel a lot of empathy for her,” Kardashian said in an Instagram Stories update on Friday. “The way the media played a big role in her life the way it did can be very traumatizing and it can really break even the strongest person. No matter how public someone’s life may seem, no one deserves to be treated with such cruelty or judgment for entertainment.”

From there, Kardashian said her viewing of the documentary was followed by her looking back on a specific time in her life when tabloid publications profited off her insecurities. At the time, as Kardashian recalled in detail, she was suffering from preeclampsia.

“Looking back at my own experiences, I remember a time when I felt this way,” she said. “When I was pregnant with North I was suffering preeclampsia, which made me swell uncontrollably. I gained 60 lbs and delivered almost six weeks early and I cried every single day over what was happening to my body mainly from the pressures of being constantly compared to what society considered a healthy pregnant person should look like—as well as being compared to Shamu the whale by the media.”

Looking at photos of herself online and in magazines, she added, “made me so insecure” and gave her a fear of “if I would ever get my pre-baby body back.” As Kardashian recalled, she was “shamed on a weekly basis” via tabloid covers.


“It really broke me,” she said.

And while Kardashian noted that she was later able to funnel those feelings into motivation, the experience still took a mental toll on her. Anyone engaged in “the business of shaming and bullying someone to the point of breaking them down,” she added, should instead consider a path of compassion.

Kardashian then shared a number of examples of this type of treatment including several tabloid covers from the time period by In Touch, Star, Life & Style, and others.

“These are just a few examples … I’m tired of googling!” she said.


The media can be really cruel — especially back then. Now we see ‘social’ media following in its footsteps.

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