Kenya Moore Finally Confronts Apollo about Text Messaging Scandal + Phaedra Parks New Xenadrine Diet Pill Ambassador [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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Things are about to get even more scandalous on this Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta!

In a preview for the episode, we get to see Kenya and Apollo finally have a conversation and get to the bottom of what really went down with the whole text message scandal.

“From the beginning when I met you, I was the biggest Apollo fan, and I think you know that. It seemed as though when Phaedra and I fell out, you and I were still cool. Then, I feel like you were trying to attack me and make me look bad,” Moore explained.


Kenya pressed on and asked why Apollo would tell Phaedra that he ‘could have slept with her if he wanted to’.

“Where is all this coming from? We both know that the stuff you were throwing out there, that it didn’t happen,” Moore said.

Apollo couldn’t help but try and laugh his way out of it, saying:

“No. You put yourself into that situation… I could have slept with you if I wanted to.”


 Check out a few clips from the episode below. We can’t wait to watch!

Meanwhile Phaedra’s getting her body in shape and ready to handle these upcoming legal battles with the help of Xenadrine diet pills. She’s been named as their new ambassador.



In a new press release from Xenadrine, Phaedra is defined as  “the epitome of today’s motivated, driven, and goal oriented entrepreneurial female.”

A spokesman says Phaedra began taking Xenadrine as a supplement to her diet and exercise routine because she was “looking to get back in stunningly amazing shape” after giving birth to her second son.


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