Kanye’s Wyoming Mansion Includes Plans for a ‘Urine Garden’


Published 5 years ago

A new profile on Kanye West reveals the eccentric rapper’s plans for his Wyoming compound, which will include “a series of seven dome-shaped rooms to be part of a closed-loop ecology for energy and water capture.”

West’s had architect Claudio Silvestrin and famed light artist James Turrell consulting on the spread, said WSJ. Magazine.

In the illustrations for the space-age wild West manse is something called a “bio pool,” as well as a “urine garden,” described as an “aquaponic-like system that converts human waste into plant food.”


The plans also include a skate park, and West “mentioned something called a ‘hydrogen pulse detonation pump’ as a shower technology. He called the entrance ‘the portal,’?” writer Christina Binkley reports.

Last fall, West purchased a 4,000-acre sheep ranch near Cody, plus a second ranch nearby. He’s planning on basing his Yeezy fashion line there, and, following other designers, he’s apparently looking into producing masks and gowns to help supply the medical world against the coronavirus.

[via Page Six]

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