Justin Bieber Shows Off Abs in Miami + Caught Grabbing Female Fan’s Breast? [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago


A newly single and extra toned Justin Bieber hit the streets of Miami sans shirt. We take it that this was his way to show Selena Gomez exactly what she’s missing.

In related Bieber news, the picture below has been floating around the web and shows what appears to be Bieber grabbing a female fan’s breast.



While it certainly looks that way, the girl, who has since been identified as Jocelyn and tweets under the handle JocelynnBieber, has turned to Twitter to clarify that things may not be exactly as they appear.

“IM DYING HAHAHAHHAHA IT LOOKS LIKE JUSTIN’S TOUCHING MY BOOB IN THE PICTURE AHAHAHAHHA,” tweeted Jocelyn of the encounter, which took place during the pop star’s Boyfriend tour (the photo was posted, then removed from a Bieber fansite, but remains her icon on the social network).

Hmm…it must be a weird camera angle.

via E! 

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