Jussie Smollett Reacts to Story of Black Student Who Lied About Being Attacked: 'Y'all Can Clown Me All You Want' | www.lovebscott.com

Jussie Smollett Reacts to Story of Black Student Who Lied About Being Attacked: ‘Y’all Can Clown Me All You Want’

Earlier today we shared with you a  story about a sixth-grade Black girl who admitted she lied about being attacked by her white classmates.

Naturally, everyone compared the story to Jussie Smollett who we believe also lied about his racially-motivated attack.

Jussie reacted to the jokes on Instagram, saying he’s okay if people don’t believe him.


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#ClapbackSeason: #JussieSmollett stepped into #TheShadeRoom to let his truth be known! ?

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He’s right — at least the sixth-grade girl had enough integrity to eventually tell the truth. Juicy’s determined to take this hoax to his grave.

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