Judge in Usher vs Tameka Raymond Custody Battle Steps Down

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago


There’s been an interesting twist in the custody battle between Usher and Tameka Raymond. The judge in the case that ruled in Usher’s favor has stepped down. This could mean that all rulings make under the judge could be re-tried.

According to Straight From The A

Judge Bensonetta Tipton-Lane, the Fulton County judge that ruled in Usher’s favor during Raymond’s bitter custody battle with his ex-wife Thas stepped down from the case.


This news comes amidst a ton of speculation and controversy regarding the fairness of her legal decision, and after an investigation was launched regarding alleged inappropriate activity between Usher’s counsel and the judge.

Lisa West, the attorney for Tameka Raymond, reportedly filed another motion asking the judge to turn over some unspecified emails and her request caused a firestorm down at Fulton County.

Due to the details in the motion, Judge Lane unceremoniously recused herself from the Raymond vs. Raymond case and an order was issued containing the following directive:

Court administrator is hereby directed to reassign this case to ANOTHER JUDGE.

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