Joseline Hernandez Quits ‘Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta’ [Photos + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

Joseline Hernandez took to Instagram to announce that she is quitting ‘Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta.’

#PUERTORICANGODDESS BYE HOE #driesvannoten #guiseppezanotti #baddestputa #joselinehernandez

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Why? Well, apparently it has to do with the way she’s been treated by executive producer Mona Scott-Young.

In fact, Joseline says she wants a sit-down interview with Oprah (lol) to expose Mona for her alleged shady ways. Peep her rant from the other day below.

Uh oh what does #joselinehernandez have to say about #monascottyoung #lhhatl apparently #oprah gets first dibs. Lol

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Can ‘Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta’ survive without the Puerto Rican Princess?

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