Jamie Foxx on Kanye West’s Presidential Bid: ‘Ain’t Got Time for the Bullsh*t’

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

Jamie Foxx will not be voting for Kanye West if he makes it to the ballot for the 2020 presidential election (and neither should you).

NBA star Stephen Jackson spoke out against Kanye’s bid for the White House by sharing a tweet from DJ Hed warning of the dangers of electing celebrities who have never held public office.

Along with his repost, Stephen brought up Kanye’s affiliation with Donald Trump.


“Kanye Trump. Fool u once shame on them fool u twice u and 2x fool. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor and so many more,” he wrote, adding, “#ivehadenough of the clown shit.”

Jamie Foxx, who has collaborated with Kanye in the past, agreed with Stephen’s sentiments and added a comment of his own.

We couldn’t agree more.

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