[Updated] Hold Up: Did Halle Berry Just Debut a Baby Bump? [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

Halle Berry attended the 16th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball on Saturday night and was photographed cradling her stomach, showing off what appears to be a significant bump.

Now, we’re not trying to be all up in Halle’s personal business — but it definitely looks like there might be a bun up in that oven.

She could just be eating good, but we’ve never seen anyone hold a ‘food baby’ on the red carpet.


Would now be a good time to mention that she’s 50-years-old? If she IS pregnant, this will be her third child.

It’s totally unclear who the father of the alleged baby could be, but congrats to them both.

Update: Halle says she’s NOT pregnant, just eating good.


Can a girl have some steak and fries?? ????????

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