‘The Hills’ Star Heidi Montag Undergoes Cosmetic Surgery…Again [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Heidi Montag shows off her new smaller breasts in Us Weekly.
Heidi Montag shows off her new smaller breasts in Us Weekly.

Remember Heidi Montag from MTV’s hit show The Hills?

Remember Heidi Montag, that reality star who got 10 cosmetic procedures done in one day?

Well, Heidi has gone under the knife again — but this time for the better. She downsized her size-F breasts down to a C due to health problems.

She says  she made the decision to downsize after a meeting with reconstructive specialist Jay Orringer, who warned the reality star that her super sized chest was ‘bottoming out’.


‘He told me they were falling through the bottom, and I got scared. It’s super dangerous. They can fall through to your belly button!’ she explains. 

This would Heidi’s third breast augmentation alone – she previously got C-cups back in 2007 before up-sizing to F three years later – she underwent a six hour marathon surgery on October 4th.

Heidi and her F-cup breasts earlier this year.
Heidi and her F-cup breasts earlier this year.

She went on to discuss her thoughts behind the decision to take ’em back down:

‘During the 2010 surgery they called Spencer (Pratt, Heidi’s husband) and told him my heart stopped. It was traumatic. And I’m sick of being the “surgery girl”. But when the health risks kicked in, it wasn’t a choice,’ she explains to Us


‘Now my spine doesn’t hurt and my neck feels better. It’s like I can breath for the first time in years. I am just more comfortable in my skin. And I can wear cuter, tighter shirts. I don’t even have to wear a bra!’

Heidi further explains that her decision to go so big initially was a result of her insecurities, and admits that she could have benefited from therapy instead.

‘I was really insecure at the time and put my value into breast size. I should have gone to a therapist! And I couldn’t conceptualize the weight of them in my body; they felt like bowling balls on my chest,’ she says.

When it came time to undergo her 2010 surgery, Heidi says her doctor, the late Frank Ryan, also suggested nine additional procedures, and she ‘impulsively’ agreed.


‘I asked my doctor, “What else would you do?” And he was like “You should get a chin reduction and eyebrow lift and liposuction.” I didn’t realize what I was signing up for: It took me a year to recover, I was too impulsive.’

She also notes that instead of feeling sexier, she felt ‘inappropriate’, with men constantly staring at her chest in a ‘creepy’ manner.

Well, it looks like Heidi might finally be wising up to what we (along with the rest of the world) knew all along.

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