HBO Developing ‘Bros’ Black Brothers Comedy from Ben Cory Jones

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Earlier this year we showed you a television show pilot by the name of ‘Bros Before Hos‘ written by Ben Corey Jones.

We’re pleased to say that HBO has put the show, now renamed ‘Bros’ into development.

via Deadline:


Written by Ben Cory Jones (Hand Of God) loosely based on his real life as a gay black man with his non-gay brothers,Bros centers on three African-American brothers — two straight and one gay — who are each dealing with love and dating. Hemingway and Taylor executive produce, Jones and Waithe co-executive produce.

Jones originally wrote the project on spec and gave the script to Hemingway. Then titled Bros Before Hos, the comedy shot a presentation this year that starred Dijon Talton (Glee), Kevin Phillips (Red Tails), Tuffy Questell (How To Make It In America), Dana Sorman (Harry’s Law), Nia Jervier (Dear White People) and Kristofer Gordon. 

Check out the pilot trailer below.


“Bros Before Hos isn’t a black story or a gay story — it’s a family story about three brothers, who happen to be black, and one who happens to be gay,” Jones said in an online interview during the filming of the presentation. “There seem to be more stories that deal with the interior lives of black women, but it’s hard to find stories that deal with the interior lives of black men. We’re either thugs or athletes, but there’s so much more to who we are that falls in between that spectrum. It’s ironic that in 2014, and even with a black president, one of the hardest things to be in this country right now is a young black man.”

We’re here for something fresh & original making it to television — especially about the lives of black & gay men.

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