Giveaway: Share Your Best ‘Fashion Killa’ Moment for a Chance to Win ‘As Above, So Below’ x Melody Ehsani Rings

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

as above so below lovebscott

We’re getting ready for the premiere of Universal Pictures’ newest horror thriller AS ABOVE/SO BELOW. In honor of the film (which hits theaters this Friday 8/29), we’re looking to give one ‘Fashion Killa’ a chance to ‘slay’ the scene with the super dope ‘As Above, So Below’ rings by style curator and designer Melody Ehsani.

To enter:

  • Post your favorite personal “fashion killa” moment — a photo from when you know you slayed the scene.
  • Be sure to tag the photo with the hashtag #AsAboveSoBelowBScott so we see it.

Post your photos this weekend and we’ll choose one lucky winner to receive the rings! Good luck!



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