Published 10 years ago
One Florida news anchor has had it up to here with the Kardashians.
John Brown walked off set during Friday’s Good Day Orlando telecast when coverage turned to the Kardashians.
“I’m having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians today. You are on your own, Amy. I can’t do it. I’ve had enough Kardashians! I can’t take any more Kardashian stories on this show,” John protested as he walked off set.
For the record, the news anchors were gearing up to discuss the name Kylie Jenner had given her pet rabbit (she named it Bruce, by the way).
“It’s a non-story! It’s a non-story!” John is heard shouting off-camera.
We have to agree with John on this one. We don’t mind talking about the Kardashians (or the Jenners), but what name Kylie gives her pet rabbit is in fact a non-story.
John later apologized for his outburst on Facebook, saying that his rant was “partially in jest.”
Watch the video of John’s meltdown below.