Feminist Group Launches Campaign to Make Rosa Parks Face of $20 Bill


Published 10 years ago


Could our U.S. currency see a complete overhaul soon? If the decision were left up to Women on 20s, then the answer would be a resounding “yes.”

Women on 20s is a non-profit feminist group that has launched a campaign to make Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth or Eleanor Roosevelt the new face of the $20 bill.

In the group’s opinion, President Andrew Jackson is unworthy of placement on the current $20 bill due to the fact that he owned slaves.


Ades Stones of Women on 20s said the following about their campaign:

“The last time our paper money [portraits] were changed was in 1929. I think we’re a very different country than we were back then, and our money should reflect that. The women that we’ve put forward [on the ballot] have sparked the changes that have improved the lives of so many people, women, laborers, minorities and people all over this country. Acknowledging them this way is really appropriate.”

You can visit here to cast your vote for one of 15 inspiring American women.

Voting concludes at the end of this month.


[via The Daily Beast]

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