Family of Walter Scott Reaches $6.5 Million Settlement with City of North Charleston

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

walter scott settlement

The family of Walter Scott, the 50-year-old unarmed Black man shot and killed by a South Carolina police officer earlier this year, has settled with the city of North Charleston for $6.5 million.

via CBS:

“Our family is pleased that we have resolved the civil portion of Walter’s death with the City of North Charleston,” said Walter Scott’s brother, Anthony who was in attendance at the announcement, reports WCSC. “While nothing can replace having Walter in our lives, the City of North Charleston historic actions ensure that he did not die in vain.”


Slager was fired following his arrest on the murder charges and has been detained in solitary confinement. The bystander’s cellphone video showed Slager firing eight times as Scott ran.

“This settlement is a step in the right direction for the family, the city, the Lowcountry, and our state,” Mayor Keith Summey said, reports WCSC.”This will allow us to move forward and focus on the issues our citizens have elected us to do, advance quality of life and make the future brighter for the citizens of North Charleston.”

It’s been six months and this entire situation is still heartbreaking. Prayers to Walter’s family.

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