Ellen DeGeneres Responds to Accusations of Being Racist After Tweeting Usain Bolt Meme [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

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Ellen DeGeneres is facing some social media backlash after tweeting a photo of her piggybacking Usain Bolt as he beats his Olympic 100m semifinals competitors.

In this day and age, it wasn’t long before people cried out and accused Ellen of being ‘racist’ — which prompted Ellen to tweet out an explanation.


We know Ellen isn’t racist. To be honest, there’s nothing even inherently racist about Ellen riding the fastest man in the world to run errands — which everyone would like to get done faster.

To be honest, she probably would’ve done the same thing had a white man been the fastest man in the world.

If anything, the photo may be considered a little tone-deaf considering all the racial tension in this country right now.


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