Draymond Green Defends Kyrie Irving, Says the Earth ‘May Be Flat’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

Kyrie Irving made headlines over the weekend with his belief that the Earth may actually be flat. 

While most people laughed at him, teammate Draymond Green came to his defense.

via NBC:


“I don’t know. I haven’t done enough research, but it may be flat,” Green said. 

For those calling Irving’s theory of a flat earth crazy, Green is looking at it in a much different way. 

“I wouldn’t necessarily say crazy though,” he continued with. “It’s just his opinion. It’s hard to call someone’s opinion crazy, that’s what he thinks. 

“Who’s to say that picture [from NASA] is telling the truth? I can make a round picture with my iPhone today, on the panoramic camera, and make it look round. So, I don’t know. I’m not saying I think it’s flat or round, I don’t know, but it could be.”


Green didn’t say definitively that the earth is flat like Irving did, but he sure wouldn’t say it’s round.

They can’t possibly be serious.

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