Drama: Columbus Short & Former ‘Stomp The Yard’ Co-Star Darrin Henson Go At It on Twitter

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


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For whatever reason, Darrin Henson (you may remember him from his early 2000s “Darrin’s Dance Grooves” video series, or as Grant from Stomp The Yard) decided to call out former co-star Columbus Short on Twitter.

Now, we ALL know that Columbus has been going through it this past year with his multiple legal issues — but Darrin felt ’bout it enough tonight to attack him for it.


Nothing was left untouched as Darrin brought up everything from Columbus’ domestic violence incident, to his struggles with alcohol, to him getting fired from Scandal.

Peep what Darrin had to say below:

dh1 dh2 dh3 dh4

You know Columbus wasn’t going to let any of that go. He fired back with his own shots:


cs1 cs2 cs3 cs4 cs5 cs6

If we were Darrin, we wouldn’t provoke Columbus too much — we already know he has no problem knocking people out!

[via The YBF]

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