DMX’s Manager Says He’s Still on Life Support Amid False Reports He Died, But His Condition Is ‘Deteriorating Rapidly’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 4 years ago

DMX is not dead, contrary to reports on social media.

Late Thursday evening, comedian Luenell took to Instagram with a post declaring her friend DMX ‘gone’.


She quickly deleted her original post, then shared another one — clarifying that her interpretation of ‘gone’ doesn’t necessarily mean that DMX is ‘dead.’

Unfortunately, it was too late. Social media began running with the narrative that DMX had been taken off of life support and died.

Amid the confusion, DMX’s manager, Craig Brodhead, gave an update to reporter Lisa Evers.


According to Craig, DMX is still in the hospital on life support but his condition is “deteriorating rapidly.”

It isn’t over until it’s over. We’re still praying for DMX.

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