David Banner Questions the Use of the N-Word by White AND ‘Half-Black’ Rappers [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

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David Banner took to Instagram this morning to question his followers about the ever-debated use of the N-word.

Specifically, he wants to know why both white AND ‘half-black’ rappers ‘wanna say the word n*gga.’

“Have you ever wondered why white rappers, or half-black rappers, or whatever you want to call them, they always wanna say the word ‘n*gga’ right? But they never say ‘cracker,’ or ‘devil’ or any other derogatory term about any other race but blacks.” he asked in the now-deleted clip.


He then turned his attention towards Black people as a whole, questioning their own use of the N-word.

“Where do you draw the line? What can’t people call you? What can’t people pay you to do? When is it enough? What do you stand for?”

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A video posted by David Banner – Batiany (@davidbannerlikespictures) on

Vibe magazine ran an article on David’s videos — referring to them as a ‘conversation starter’ — and David took to Twitter to pop off on the publication.


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No shade, to David. But he definitely did question the use of the N-word by “half-black” rappers. David choosing to question the use of the word by white rappers in addition to that doesn’t negate the fact.


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