D.L. Hughley Breaks Down While Sharing Moving Story About Son with Asperger’s Syndrome [Video]


Published 10 years ago


Former King of Comedy D.L. Hughley appeared on a recent episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now? and was overcome with emotion while sharing an inspiring story about his 26-year-old son with Asperger’s syndrome.

D.L.’s son Kyle was diagnosed with Asperger’s as a child, and although he graduated from college, he’s still challenged with the issues many diagnosed with Asperger’s face. For example, he’s forced to stick to a strict routine.



One day, D.L.’s car needed gas, and Kyle surprised him by offering to break from his strict routine to fill his car. At this point, D.L. becomes visibly choked up.

“He said, ‘Daddy, I’ll do it.’ I’m a nervous wreck. So, he comes back in, and he gives me the receipt and the keys, and I could not stop crying, because he did something he was afraid to do. I just didn’t believe he could do it. He did it. I held him, and I said, ‘You’re gonna be alright.’

Watch the touching moment below, and for more on Asperger’s syndrome, visit here.

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