BY: Denver Sean
Published 11 years ago
Cynthia Bailey offered her thoughts on Porsha Williams’ anti-gay rant that surfaced yesterday. The video shows Porsha at the pulpit about 3 years ago likening gays & lesbians to ‘hookers’ and ‘drug dealers’ that need to be saved.
Cynthia Bailey weighed in with her thoughts on the video:
“To put gays and lesbians in the same category as drug dealers, hookers, and people who attempt suicide is ignorant and insensitive. Especially when she just recently profited from performing at a popular gay club in NYC. #flipflop”
Cynthia’s referring to this video from over the weekend where Porsha performed a dance remix of her single “Flatline.”
Miss Lawrence also shared his opinion on Porsha’s words.
“I think some women use the community as a convenience … i.e. for gay slang, fan base building, and beauty security. But like always, true character always reveals.”
What do you think? Do you think Porsha really feels this way or has everyone blown this whole thing way out of proportion?