Coupled Up: Ciara Runs Route, Catches Football Pass from Russell Wilson [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

ciara russell wilson football

It looks like Russell Wilson has been teaching his girl Ciara a few things…

The couple attended an event where Russell ended up on stage with a football in his hand. While on stage, he motioned for Ciara to run a route (a route is a path or pattern that a receiver football runs to get open for a forward pass) — and she did — before flawlessly catching the ball.

Work, Ci!


#PressPlay : How cute are #RussellWilson and #Ciara !

A video posted by The Shade Room (@theshaderoominc) on

Now, we wonder if we’ll get to see Russell hit a few of Ci’s dance moves anytime soon…

[via TSR]

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