BY: Denver Sean
Published 8 years ago
Chance the Rapper loves the kids.
A few weeks after writing a $1 million check to Chicago Public Schools, Chance took some time to visit Courtenay Elementary School to hang out with kids during their Career Fair.
via DNAInfo:
Damon Dixon, 9, a student at Courtenay, said Chance talked to the whole school in the auditorium after lunch about his rap career and the path that led him to success. Damon, a longtime fan, said he was surprised and “happy” to meet his hero.
“He spoke to all of us about his career and told us to stay in school,” said Joanne Tablas, 13, who snuck out her phone to Snapchat while Chance spoke for about 10 minutes.
“He inspired us to try to make our dreams come true. It was exciting,” said student Ethan Nguyen, 12.
Amarian Peoples, 14, won a raffle and got to shake Chance’s hand and speak with him briefly.
“He just said keep your head up and stay positive.”
Amarian’s little sister Gorgeous, 9, said the school erupted with excitement when Chance appeared.
“I think it was really cool,” she said. “When I first saw him I was like, ‘oh my god.’ I just wanted ot jump up … my whole class was excited.”
Students and other career fair guests posted photos of their encounter on social media.
More entertainers should follow Chance’s lead. The children are our future!