BY: Denver Sean
Published 5 years ago
Disney Channel legend Brenda Song spoke out in a recent interview with Teen Vogue that she wasn’t allowed to audition for ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ because her image wasn’t ‘Asian enough.’
According to Brenda, she asked her management team to get her an audition for the film but they came back and said it wasn’t the right fit.
“Their reasoning behind that, what they said was that my image was basically not Asian enough, in not so many words. It broke my heart,” the 31-year-old told Teen Vogue. “I said, ‘This character is in her late to mid-20s, an Asian American, and I can’t even audition for it? I’ve auditioned for Caucasian roles my entire career, but this specific role, you’re not going to let me do it? You’re going to fault me for having worked my whole life?’ I was like, ‘Where do I fit?’”
‘CRA’ director John M. Chu took to Twitter to respond to her claims, denying her account.
“?????would these words ever come out of my mouth? Nope makes no sense. I feel horrible she thinks this is the reason,” Chu wrote. “The fact is I love Brenda Song and am a fan. I didn’t need her to audition because I already knew who she was!”
Brenda has yet to respond.