Brandy Reacts to Ray J’s Strained Vocals During ‘Verzuz’: ‘Listen to Your Big Sis Sometimes’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 2 years ago

Brandy, like the rest of us, had some thoughts on Ray J’s vocal ‘performance’ during the most recent ‘Verzuz.’

via Complex:

In an Instagram comment left on a recent post from her brother about the performance as part of the Omarion vs. Mario event, Brandy suggested Ray J hadn’t consumed any of the tea she made for him. Additionally, per Brandy, he didn’t follow her advice about refraining from talking.


“If I had one wish, you would listen to your big sis sometimes and especially for [Verzuz]. … [W]hen I get off of vocal rest, we are gonna have a serious conversation,” Brandy, who also addressed the allegedly ignored advice in other since-removed comments, said.

Imagine getting dragged on the internet by not only your big sister, but by the ‘vocal bible’ — as some call her.

Peep Brandy’s comment and listen to Ray J’s struggle vocals below — he deserved it.


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