Blac Chyna and Amber Rose Clown Tyga on Instagram Using Cars, Tyga Calls Amber Rose a ‘Peanut Head’ [Photos + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

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Blac Chyna got herself a brand new Audi R8 and took to Instagram to show it off.

It may have been shady timing — but it just so happened to be right around the time news broke that Tyga reportedly leased the Ferrari he gave girlfriend Kylie Jenner for her birthday. Because of Tyga and Blac Chyna’s history, it became a ‘thing’ and Blac Chyna’s fans couldn’t help but tag Tyga in her post.

Tyga eventually got tired of it and called out the ‘haters’ while not-so-subtly posing the question: ‘Where’s your Ferrari though?’


When the hating don’t work they start telling lies. #WhereYoFerarriTho ?

A photo posted by Tyga / T-Raww (@kinggoldchains) on

Blac Chyna used the opportunity to throw some shade back at Tyga and basically ask for the ‘receipts’ while using one of the best memes of 2015. If you haven’t seen it, click play below.

#Receipts A video posted by (@blacchyna) on

It wasn’t long before Amber Rose clapped back on behalf of her BFF, showing off her pink Ferrari.

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And that’s when Tyga responded by showing off his Rolls-Royce and calling Amber Rose a ‘peanut head’.

We drive our own whips peanut head #GoldPhantoms #LastKings

A photo posted by Tyga / T-Raww (@kinggoldchains) on

We’re sure Amber’s going to have something else to say…we’ll keep you posted.

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