Band-Aid Announces New Bandage Line for Different Skin Tones…After 100 Years

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

After 100 years as a company, Band-Aid is deciding to acknowledge that skin comes in other shades besides pasty peach and will be making products for different skin tones.

via Complex:

“We hear you. We see you. We’re listening to you,” the Johnson & Johnson-owned company wrote on Instagram. “We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community.?”


The new line of bandages will come in various hues to better match the various skin tones of its customers. Band-Aid said the goal of these products is to “embrace the beauty of diverse skin,” while underscoring its commitment to “inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions.”

Band-Aid announced it’s also donating to Black Lives Matter, and reassured its customers this is the first of many steps in the company’s fight against racial injustice.

“We can, we must and we will do better,” the company concluded.

It’s crazy how it took nationwide public unrest for the biggest bandage company to think about other skin tones.

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