Apollo Nida Sets The Record Straight, Defends Himself Against Charity Scam Allegations [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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Apollo Nida is speaking out and defending himself against recent claims he may be trying to scam a charity out of $2,000.

It was reported the other day that charity event organizer Chase DeCarlo of Dio Bambini reached out to Apollo to host a charity event in Chicago to benefit battered women and children. Apollo’s team hit back demanding a $2,000 appearance fee to be paid up front. The organizer said he was “feeling really leery” about giving Apollo $2,000 because the event is scheduled just a few days after Apollo’s day in court for his identity theft/bank fraud chargesNot to mention, Kandi agreed to do the event for free — and she’s NOT a convicted felon. The whole thing just seemed strange.

Anyway, now Apollo is defending himself on camera. According to his side of the story, he received a ‘disturbing phone call’ from his manager about the event and that his booking agents have been contacted for him to appear.


He says the contract they sent over included a 15% deposit and no money was ever exchanged because the contract actually never got signed. Then out of nowhere he claims he was accused of trying to scheme money from them. Apollo insists the $2,000 wasn’t for profit, but to help cover lodging & travel for the event.

“For someone to do this to me, it’s completely erratic behavior. Right now there are circumstances going on that you all know about. I have a lot of people who are supporting. And there’s a lot of haters who aren’t. For you to try to mess up a brand, Apollo Fitness, Apollo Nida is a brand. So for you to say something so derogatory…

All of my contracts are official.”

Watch the clip below. Who do you believe?


Sidebar: We find it interesting that Apollo will take the time to make a video defending himself against a small charity, but not against the ‘alleged’ identity theft and bank fraud he’s being accused of.

[via YBF]

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