Published 12 years ago
An omelette with a little cheddar cheese and spinach on top, will make you forget you’re eating the vegetables your parents always made you add to your plate. This tasty omelette is filling, and allows you to enjoy the taste of a fatty cheese omelette–without the extra fat. Try having your omelette with turkey bacon and almond milk; it’s absolutely delicious.
Ingredients: Eggs, spinach, cheddar cheese, butter, olive oil and seasoned pepper
Melt a small amount of butter into stovetop pan. Crack two eggs in bowl and stir them together. Pour egg yolk into pan and let cook for 1 minute. Add cheddar cheese and fold egg over it. Flip the omelette until both sides are cooked. Sauté spinach in butter–in another pan–to avoid the eggs being covered in spinach juice. Place cooked spinach on top of (or inside) the omelette. Cook turkey bacon with olive oil in stovetop pan.
Enjoy your healthy breakfast!