Zoë Kravitz Talks About How She Secured Catwoman Role in ‘The Batman’

BY: Denver Sean

Published 3 years ago

Zoë Kravtiz is getting ready to star as Catwoman in Matt Reeves’ upcoming remake of ‘The Batman’ — and we can’t wait!

In a new interview with Another, the actress revealed how she believes she ended up securing the role of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, by being her authentic self.

via Complex:


“I read the script,” Kravitz said. “Then [Reeves] talked with me again to hear my thoughts, to see if we were on the same page. I didn’t know him well and it was a bit of a process. When these big opportunities come up, these big roles, and you really want them, it’s heartbreaking when you don’t get them. You put a lot of energy into it. The thing that I tried to keep in check throughout, though, was just wanting to be agreeable and likable to get the role. [I didn’t want] To read the script and say, ‘I love it. I love everything about it.’ Then I go to the audition and I have this puppy dog energy.”

She continued, “It was important to give him an idea of what it’s really like to work with me. To say what I really think and, if we’re on set together, to ask the questions I want to ask. I tried to come at it from the angle where I am showing him what I see and feel about this character. I believe that’s why it happened and I got the role. Matt’s a fantastic director, and he’s really into talking about the character. We had some really good conversations. I had some thoughts about the character once I’d read the script too and they were welcomed.”

The Batman cast is rounded out with an A-list roster, including Andy Serkis, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, and John Turturro—and is slated for release on March 4, 2022.

We hope it’s good!

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