Watch: The Moment Beyoncé Orders an Overly-Touchy Assistant to ‘Stop It’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

beyonce assistant stop it

When Beyoncé tells you to stop doing something, you listen.

During last night’s TIDAL X: 10/20 event, Queen Bey hit the black carpet to pose for some photos.

While Bey was trying to get her angles together, an overly touchy assistant (possibly publicist) kept tugging at & fluffing her dress.


Without breaking a smile, Beyoncé told the woman to “Stop it.

beyonce assistant stop it

Poor thing. She’ll forever be known as the girl Beyoncé scolded on the red black carpet. Watch the clip below.

#Beyonce #TIDALX1020

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beylite) on

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