Victoria Beckham on Spice Girls Reunion: I Won't Ever Do It Again |

Victoria Beckham on Spice Girls Reunion: I Won’t Ever Do It Again


Fans hoping for a real girl-power reunion from the Spice Girls can officially forget it.

Victoria Beckham, aka ‘Posh Spice’ has declared that she won’t  do it.

She made the admission as she posed for a stunning shot in the pages and covers of Vanity Fair Italy and Spain.

She said:

‘I won’t ever do it again. Doing the Olympics was an incredible honour. I was so proud to do it; proud to be British. That was a perfect time to say, “That’s great. Thank you to everybody, but no more.” Sometimes you’ve got to know when it’s time to leave the party.’

We’re so sad. Hopefully something comes along that changes her mind. We’d love another proper album from all 5 ladies!

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