Transgender Woman Prepares $1.2 Million Lawsuit Exposing Alleged Affair With Eddie Murphy [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Eddie Murphy has gotten himself into a bit of trouble after having an intimate affair with 25-year-old Honey Dip Ashton and leaving her mislead and heartbroken.


Honey Dip posted a series of Tweets on Friday detailing her alleged encounters with Eddie that started when she was only 17-years-old. She says she entered the relationship thinking Eddie could improve her state of living, but was left with nothing. 


She tweeted:

“1.Its Like a Starving Artist Who Links Up With a Producer, That Promises Payouts & Success For Your Dreams in Turn for S&x..You Comply, Then 2.Constant Waiting, Disappointments, & Lies. After Your Done Getting What You Want its Off & You’ve Moved On to a New…. What Do I Do Now ? I Am Transgender. That’s Why You Can Think You Could have Treated Me Anyway You Want, Tell The Truth Muthafucker ! & Stop Sending Me THREATS”

She went on to mention Eddie’s ex-wife Nicole Murphy and accused Eddie’s current girlfriend Paige Butcher of being a cover-up.

To add more to her claim, she then went in and described Eddie physically and revealed details about his home.


Honey Dip didn’t say why she was filing a lawsuit exactly, but she did drop the name of his lawyer Marty Singer and threatened , “He Used Me Now I’mma Express Myself. All Honest To God Truths ! @eddiemurphy”

Check out several of her tweets below. Do you believe her? 

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