Shady Lady: Madonna Takes Little Dig at Drake: ‘I Kissed a Girl…and I Liked It’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Madonna’s spur of the moment kiss with Drake during his Coachella set stirred up a wave of controversy.

After a photo of Drake reacting negatively to the kiss went viral, Drake came out and defended the kiss saying the reason he looked disgusted had to do with Madge’s lipstick, not necessarily her kiss.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Madonna fired back at Drake during a Q&A for Live with Romeo’s: Saturday Night online.


While answering questions from fans, she was asked about the kiss.

She responded:

“I kissed a girl … and I liked it!”

Later, when asked what advice she’d give her younger self, she added:


 “Don’t kiss Drake, no matter how many times he begs you to.”

Watch Madonna’s shady response below.

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