BY: Denver Sean
Published 8 years ago
A New Jersey man couldn’t wait until he got home to love up on himself so he decided to stop traffic in the middle of the Lincoln Tunnel to do so.
via NYDN:
Port Authority cops busted Ismael Esquilin, 48, of Passaic, N.J., about 7:15 p.m. Thursday when his Dodge minivan was found stopped in the middle of the New Jersey-bound side of the Hudson River tunnel, holding up traffic.
When cops approached the car, they found Esquilin removing his clothes and “performing a lewd act,” Port Authority spokesman Joe Pentangelo said.
The idling minivan was running and the keys were in the ignition.
Cops also found a glass pipe and small glass bottles containing PCP on the passenger seat floor.
After cops covered Esquilin with a blanket, the man admitted that he had smoked PCP — but refused to take a Breathalyzer test, authorities said.
Police took Esquilin to New Jersey, where he was charged with drug possession, driving under the influence of drugs, reckless driving and impeding traffic, officials said.
The question is — did he at least turn his hazard lights on? That would’ve been the considerate thing to do.