Rihanna Says She Only Knows How To Be #1 [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

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Rihanna was recently named Britain’s Most Influential Pop Star and in true Rih-Rih fashion, she took to Twitter to announce her excitement.

I only know how to be number 1!! I could use a challenge… “How dat feel down there on ya knees, Huh?!” #gunzindamuthaphuckinair #allmyniggazNavi #controlyourheauxz #heauxzBeAckinUp #yesimeantAckin #catchup #phuckyouandyourtimedifference #walkupindisbitchlikeiownaheaux #fromtheleftsideofanisland #tuh

That’s not all, she continued her celebration with the photo below:

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It’s only March people… #2013isalreadyowned #staytuned #MoneyOvaBitchez

She sure does love her hashtags! We’ll leave some of them up to interpretation…


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