Phaedra Parks Takes ‘Leave of Absence’ from RHOA After Apollo Nida Admits He Lied About Kenya Moore Texts

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s Phaedra Parks has taken a ‘leave of absence’ following some new developments regarding her husband and his non-relations with Kenya Moore.

According to reports, Apollo Nida admitted to Kenya Moore and others in attendance at a recent taping that he lied about the whole Kenya/text message situation.

Apollo told Kenya that he sent her text messages because he wanted to have sex with her, but after she exposed him, he lied to cover himself and to save face with his wife. Apparently next, Apollo apologized to Kenya wanting to make amends before he went to his home for the next eight years – jail. The two then exchanged a hug and a kiss. 


Bravo’s terrible editing department is trying to make the scene look “romantic” between Kenya and Apollo, which of course it wasn’t. 

Since news hit of Apollo’s confession, Phaedra Parks decided to leave the show so that she can “focus more on her family following Apollo’s prison sentence.”

Which means — the jig is up and she doesn’t want to have to deal with the scrutiny from the public and other cast members about her current family problems. We’re sure Kenya feels vindicated now that people know she was telling the truth the entire time.

[via Reality Wives]



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