Oh No! Meghan Trainor Took an EPIC Tumble on ‘The Tonight Show’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

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We’ve seen many stage tumbles in our day, but we’ve never seen one quite like what happened to Meghan Trainor last night.

The singer was finishing up a performance on ‘The Tonight Show’ and her ankles apparently decided they’d had enough. As she reached for her mic stand, her body decided to wobble & shake it down to the ground.

Thankfully, she didn’t hurt herself and managed to laugh it off alongside host Jimmy Fallon.


Might have fell down… but I KILLLED that shit hahaha #keepinitreal ???? thank you @fallontonight for having me?? #metoo

A photo posted by Meghan Trainor (@meghan_trainor) on

Check out the performance below. Her tumble takes place around the 3:43 mark.

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