Nicki Minaj Blasts ‘Dumb Ass’ Joy-Ann Reid After Calling Attention to Her Vaccine-Related Tweets: ‘Thirsty to Down Another Black Woman’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 3 years ago

Joy-Ann Reid is disappointed in Nicki Minaj for pushing an anti-vax narrative to her 22 million followers, and now Nicki Minaj is pissed at Joy-Ann Reid for not bringing attention to ALL of her tweets.

Not long after Nicki revealed she wasn’t getting vaccinated and connected it with a story about her cousin’s friend in Trinidad and his swollen testicles, dozens of news outlets (including many far-right outlets) picked up on Nicki’s narrative — including Joy-Ann’s ‘The Reid Out.’

Speaking directly to Nicki on-air, Joy-Ann expressed her frustrations with Nicki’s irresponsible use of her platform.


“For you to use your platform to encourage our community to not protect themselves and save their lives… As a fan, I am so sad that you did that,” Joy-Ann tweeted, along with a clip of the segment.

Nicki responded to Joy-Ann with some not-so-nice words, calling the journalist “thirsty” and a “dumb ass.”

She also accused Joy-Ann of tearing down another Black woman at the request of the white man.



While ignoring the fact that she tied her reason for not getting vaccinated to a more-than-likely untrue story about some random man’s swollen testicles, Nicki pointed out that Joy-Ann ignored her many follow-up tweets that came amid pushback from her initial statements.

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