So Nice! Chrissy Teigen Pays Off Woman's Beauty School Tuition |

So Nice! Chrissy Teigen Pays Off Woman’s Beauty School Tuition

Chrissy Teigen has taken a load off one lucky woman’s shoulders.

Mercedes Edney, a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina, kicked off a crowdsourcing campaign last month in an effort to raise money for her esthetician school tuition.

Mercedes had raised more than $330 of her $5,995 goal when Chrissy swooped in on Friday to pay off the remaining amount.

In total, Chrissy forked over $5,605 to help the woman’s dreams come true.

Chrissy left the following message with her donation: “I’ve seen this be your passion for such a long time now. So excited to see you fulfill your dream!”

After Chrissy’s more than generous donation, Mercedes thanked her on Twitter. See their exchange below.

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